Transforming Knowledge into Skill and Service

College of Advanced Health Science & Technology

We are Currently Hiring

We are currently hiring for the following positions:

  • National Director – Operations and Administration
  • State Assistant Directors – Study Centers
  • Assistant Registrar – Online Marketing and Student Recruitment
  • Public Relation Officer

Interested candidates should call the school for more information +2347038796177

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SCAM ALERT! Don't let anybody use your brain!

Important warning: All students are hereby warned not to make any payment to or purchase any forms from any staff or person(s) who claim to operate on behalf of CAHST in order to help them secure admission. All payments must be made to the bank directly and all applications for admission must be submitted online on the college website. Any payments not made to the bank directly is probably made to a scammer. Any application submitted via any other means other than the website will be discarded.